
Certified Carports | Certified Metal Carports | Engineer Certified Carports

Most carport and garage manufacturers in the US offer two types of carport products: engineer certified units and non-rated units. We will explain why are there two classifications, what the differences are, and what you should consider before making your final buying decision.

Structural Differences

  • Anchor systems
    • Ground installations utilize straight 30" re-bar anchors on non-certified units and 30" double-helix mobile home anchors on certified units.
    • Concrete installations utilize wedge/sleeve anchors. Certified units have larger and longer anchors and there are more of them, depending on the size of the unit.
  • Bracing
    • Open carport units 8' tall and taller utilize 4' braces on all legs that do not have a gable or end wall.
  • Screws for Steel Panels
    • There are 30% more screws utilized on the sheeting on certified carports
  • Frame Spacing
    • Gable end or end walls have more vertical tubular steel supports. Typical spacing on a non-certified end wall is 8' apart. Typical spacing on certified end walls are 5' apart or less.

 Engineering Differences

  • Non-Certified Units
    • Have no available structural drawings
    • Have no available wind/snow rating
    • Cannot be used where building permits are required
  • Certified Units
    •  Have engineer's drawings for the unit as well as foundation specifications
    • Are stamped by a state certified professional engineer
    • Can be used where building permits are required

While may states, counties, and municipalities do not require building permits for some or all of our products, our recommendation is that the consumer always go with the certified option, whether you buy from us or another company. The additional anchors, steel components, and engineer's rating gives peace of mind and outstanding performance. While you will pay a little more for a certified unit, you are getting an excellent value and a superior product.


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Cardinal Carports is wholly owned by:


670B Riverside Drive

Mount Airy, NC 27030


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8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern


8:30 AM to 12:00 PM Eastern

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