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Survive Winter: 7 Clever Car Hacks And Tricks That Actually Work

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When the winter arrives and the temperature drops drastically, a car in the garage pleads for an owner not to go anywhere. The winter doesn't show any mercy on drivers who haven't prepared their vehicles for the chilly weather. The best way to protect a car is parking it in a carport with a storage room, a place where you can keep some essential tools. 

However, a carport isn't sufficient to keep the vehicle safe all the times. Poor driving conditions and hazardous roads increase the risks of car accidents. Many of the road accidents are a result of poor vehicle maintenance and faulty pieces.

Whether it's a hot summer or chilly winter, you need to go out of your house due to many reasons. A car that faces the outside weather directly is difficult to maintain. In winter, you cannot reach your destination without a well-maintained car.

In addition to installing one of the best utility carports at your place, here are some clever hacks to use and help your vehicle survive winter:


1. Check The Tires

A vehicle with bad tires is dangerous and deadly, especially in winters. When the tread on your car's tires wears down, they become ineffective on the road. Such tires can create a problem for a driver and others on the road. In many accidents in the past, bad tires have resulted in deadly consequences.

One of the best ways to check the tread on the tires in a penny. Place it in the tread. The tires are good if Lincoln’s head in the penny is covered. If the results aren't favorable, then it's the right time to look for new tires.


2. Build Metal Carport Or Metal Garage For Parking

If you park your car outside overnight, then you are damaging it in many ways. Chilly winds, snow, and various other factors are harming your vehicle internally and externally. Apart from that, a vehicle's batteries get affected when they are exposed to external threats.

You can get a metal carport or steel garage to park your vehicle. If you have multiple vehicles, you can go with a 3-car carport with storage that gives you enough space to keep your vehicles safe in the winter and store some necessary items. Check out the best carports at Carport Central that suit your requirements.


3. Save Car Doors from Freezing

If you do not have any choice other than parking your vehicle outdoor, then ensure that you already made arrangements to protect it from the snow and chilly winds. Jammed car doors and handles are a common occurrence when the winter arrives.

You can protect your car's doors and handles from the forming snow by using some special products. There are various kinds of car products that do not allow the snow to accumulate on a car's doors, handles, and keyholes.


4. Put A Coat Of Wax

No one wants to spend hours cleaning a car when the cool breeze is blowing. But without removing the snow and other unwanted things from the car, you cannot reach your destination.

To save your vehicle from corrosion and lessen the amount of snow on it, put a coat of wax. It will protect your vehicle against harmful corrosives and decrease the amount of snow forming on your car in the winter.


5. Clean Underthings Of Your Car

Snow forming on your car isn't the only thing that you need to pay attention to. It is necessary to clean underthings of your car frequently in the winter. There are many types of de-icing products on the market that you can use to clean the underthings of your car.

You can make use of lawn sprinkler to reach the parts under your car which you cannot clean easily. Keep it under the car and move your vehicle back and forth.


6. Keep An Emergency Kit

 Whether you are traveling to a nearby place or starting a miles-long journey, make sure you have kept an emergency kit in your car. Although there are emergency kits you can buy from the market, you can also make your own winter emergency kit.

An ideal emergency kit for traveling in winter includes a blanket, an extra pair of clothes, a flashlight, jumper cables, and non-perishable food items.


7. Keep Side Mirrors Clean

Like other parts of your car, side mirrors are important for your safety. In winter, they usually get caked with snow. It takes a long time to clean them completely.

To protect side mirrors from snow, you can cover them with ziplock bags in the night. When you remove them in the morning, you get the mirrors clean.


These are some clever tricks to protect your vehicles in the winter. Apply them this season and let your vehicle serve its purpose for years to come.


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